Our Vision and Values
Wilmington Grammar School for Boys is a safe and inclusive environment. We raise aspirations and expectations across a richly diverse community. Through an ambitious, creative and forward-thinking curriculum we nurture and develop individuals who demonstrate and understand the traditional values of Personal Excellence, Respect, Innovation and Creativity, Determination and Equality for All. With a bespoke personal development programme, we reach beyond the classroom: we take every available opportunity to broaden horizons, raise ambitions and make a positive difference to the world around us.
Personal Excellence
is an aspiration for all students in order to fulfil their potential. This is achieved in WGSB by providing a personalised and appropriate curriculum with high quality teaching and learning opportunities and the setting, monitoring and support of challenging but realistic personal targets. WGSB encourages whole child enrichment and will provide varied opportunities and dedicated support for students to develop their individual personal skills and talents.
Respect & Friendship
is the foundation of the cheerful and secure culture that exists at WGSB. Students, staff and all who represent the school community will be expected to value and care for themselves and each other. Students will learn about and experience a variety of historical and contemporary spiritual, cultural and religious beliefs. The school community will actively support those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We are proud of the harmony which exists amongst our multi-cultural intake.
Innovation & Creativity
are two of the key core attributes that determine an outstanding performance in our modern society. WGSB will continually strive to develop and improve the highest quality of learning that it can provide for its students by introducing appropriate, outstanding, educational practice from national and international sources. Students in turn will be provided with many opportunities to develop and demonstrate their own innovation and enquiry skills, leadership, self-reflection and creativity throughout their school career.
is a characteristic that will develop self-belief and the resolve to succeed. The determination of WGSB to provide an outstanding educational experience to its students can only be matched by the fortitude of those same students to utilise the opportunity.
Equality for all
WGSB will ensure provision is made for the same high quality education irrespective of ability, age, gender, race or religion. Students will be expected to demonstrate the same ethics themselves.

Virtual Tour of Our School
We are delighted to share the below films which provide a virtual tour of our school and an insight into our visions and values.
School History
The school has a six form entry and a total number of students on roll measuring just over 1,000 including an expanding joint Sixth Form, WG6. The school’s size and embedded ethos of care and support is a popular feature of its reputation in the local community. The acquisition of Grant Maintained Status in April 1991 and Foundation status from 1999 offered the School tremendous opportunities for development.

The school was designated as a Specialist School with Engineering College status from September 2004 followed on 1 November 2006 by a £1.35m teaching building, called the ‘Evans Building’ being officially opened. The building incorporated 12 teaching rooms and a purpose-built engineering suite for design teaching. In September 2010 this was extended to twice the size housing the new Sixth Form centre including a veranda, the Languages Specialist Area and new Food Technology facilities. These developments are being linked with a refurbishment of the remaining site to allow the opportunities for Innovative Learning Environments to be modelled and developed across the school. Our new English and Media block, the White Building, was added in 2017.
The school has a fantastic enrichment and extension programme and in 2010 was awarded the Quality in Extended Schools kitemark and Dartford Sports Partnership Platinum award. The school is also recognised as an Investor in Careers School, with work related experiences embedded into school life from Year 7 to 13. In addition the school has held Investors in People for over ten years.
In 2009 the school embarked on its second specialism as a member of the Raising Achievement Partnership Programme. This work initially focused on supporting the learning in local and regional schools but in 2010 extended as support of the British Council to work alongside and support schools in Sub Saharan Africa. In 2011 the school became an Academy and from April 2017 joined with Wilmington Grammar School for Girls under the banner of Endeavour MAT.
Our simple but relevant mission statement ‘Forward Thinking – Traditional Values’ epitomises the ethos and vision at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys as we continue to develop innovative and outstanding education in a caring environment that supports the whole child.

Endeavour MAT
Wilmington Grammar School for Boys is part of Endeavour MAT, which has its own website to explain the overall strategic Trust structure. At local level however, each school has its own Local Governing Body (LGB).
Local Governing Body
The Scheme of Delegation for the LGB can be accessed here. The LGB has an important role to play in ensuring the strategic priorities of the MAT are implemented and is keen to ensure that every student should be given the opportunity to achieve the highest standards possible, both educationally and in terms of personal development during their time at the school. The LGB closely monitors and supports the Head Teacher and the rest of the school’s leadership team to ensure they promote and set high expectations in all aspects of their work. They test the school’s improvement planning and self-evaluation via termly full LGB meetings. All departments are required to produce their own evaluation of progress and achievement which informs their future planning. As a responsible LGB the perceived outcomes of the whole school and each department is then cross referenced against external data and other information to ensure that the highest possible education is provided to all of our students.
As Chair of Governors I am proud to say that we have a committed and enthusiastic LGB comprised of people from diverse backgrounds whose concern is to ensure that the school is a safe and supportive environment for all. We take our responsibility for safeguarding students very seriously and ensure that all the core social beliefs including equality, cultural, spiritual awareness, supporting our families and community are continually monitored.
Our own self-evaluation using data from RAISE online/ ASP, parental and student feedback together with what we observe in the classrooms and around the school supports our belief that Wilmington Grammar School for Boys offers a high quality education focused around the students.

Mr D Strachan
Chair of LGB and Trustee of Endeavour MAT
David Strachan, chairs the LGB at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys.
To contact David Strachan, please email [email protected] marking your message for his attention.
David Strachan (Chair of LGB & Trustee of EMAT) | Mr Strachan, an ex-pupil of Wilmington Grammar School for Boys, has been a Governor of WGSB in excess of 20 years and is Chair of the Local Governing Body. Mr Strachan is also a Trustee of Endeavour MAT. Other governor responsibilities include being the Chair at a local primary School, St Paul's CEP, Swanley Village. Mr Strachan has lived locally for many years and is able to supplement his educational experience with his local knowledge which can be invaluable in the role of Governing a local school. | 31.10.19 - 30.10.25 | Trust |
Robert Reed | Mr Reed joined the Governing Body in 1996 for four years and again in 2001 to date. Mr Reed retired from Westminster City Council as an Assistant Service Manager and brings considerable expertise with regards to business management, licensing, health and safety and acoustics to the governing body. He received a lifetime achievement award from the Noise Abatement Society in 2012 for his work in noise control. | 03.04.19 - 02.04.25 | Trust |
Stuart Harrington | Mr Stuart Harrington joined Wilmington Grammar School for Boys in September 2021. He joins us after a lengthy career at another local grammar school, where he was Deputy Head for six years. An English specialist, Mr Harrington studied English and Drama at Birmingham University. Mr Harrington is a firm believer in the educational value of both scholarship and experiential learning beyond the classroom. He believes strongly that all children should be given opportunities where they know what it is to be part of a team, to experience failure and to overcome adversity. | 01.09.21 | Ex-Officio |
Josie Sole | My background is Environment, Social and Governance Management. I strongly believe in inclusiveness and that every child deserves the opportunity to fulfil their potential in academic, and extra curriculum activities to receive the best education possible. | 21.01.22 - 20.01.28 | Trust |
Jill Hawkins | Jill Hawkins joined the Governors in 2023. She has a degree in Mathematics and Philosophy which supported a long career within investment banking in the City of London. In 2008 Jill took on new challenges; a degree in History and Philosophy of Art, as well as getting sidelined during its completion by the new ambition to train as a teacher of Mathematics – achieving both. Jill taught Mathematics at Dartford Grammar School for a period of 6 years across all ages, and a maternity cover in the Mathematics department of Wilmington Grammar School for Girls. She is now Dartford Grammar School's Development Officer, running, amongst other things all fundraising and the increasingly successful alumni programme. | 05.06.23 - 04.06.26 | Trust |
Tom Stevens | Originally from Cheltenham, Tom moved to Dartford in 2004 and has worked as a teacher of Drama and Head of Year at Dartford Grammar School for 20 years. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding pastoral care and support, as well as a highly developed understanding of school structures and curriculum planning. With his son having started in Year 7 in September 2023, Tom is keen to support his local community school and to offer his own expertise in supporting the students of Wilmington. | 15.11.23 - 14.11.26 | Parents |
Naomi Takeda | Mrs Naomi Takeda joined WGSB from another local grammar school where she was Head of Year 11 and Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead. She has 17 years' experience teaching and leading English in both grammar and comprehensive schools in and around London. Currently halfway through an MA Education degree with Exeter University, Mrs Takeda is keen to develop and extend her own research and understanding of learning to enable all students to reach their full potential. Mrs Takeda enjoys spending time with her family, walking her dog Albert, and horse riding in her spare time. | 16.11.23 - 15.11.26 | Staff |
Sarah Habgood | Sarah has over 25 years’ experience working in trading houses and investment banks within the financial sector. She has a keen interest in supporting charities, in particular those that help the homeless. Sarah’s determination has always helped with her professional and personal goal and by being appointed a governor Sarah hopes to help the students become more confident and be ready for the exciting world that awaits them. | 19.12.23 - 18.12.26 | Trust |
Jenny Miller | Mrs Jenny Miller joined WGSB in September 2020, having previously worked at a co-ed non-selective school in Bexley for 11 years. She has a wealth of experience working with academic and pastoral teams and is now in a fortunate position to be able to work closely with students, offering academic and emotional support. Outside of work, Mrs Miller spends her time ferrying her children between their various clubs as well as reading, taking walks and watching tv box sets. | 18.10.24 - 17.10.27 | Staff |
Ms O Oluwasola | 07.12.19 |
Mr S Baker | 31.08.20 |
Mr P Riches | 03.10.20 |
Ms T Burleigh | 20.11.20 |
Ms K White | 21.01.21 |
Ms B Rowson | 28.05.21 |
Mr C Guthrie | 31.08.21 |
Ms S Kenney | 23.09.21 |
Mr J Cox | 17.02.22 |
Mr S Ojobo | 02.06.22 |
Mr L Ellis | 30.10.22 |
Ms R Ogunkoya | 28.06.23 |
Mr K Powell | 15.10.23 |
Ms A Ogebule | 10.01.24 |
Mr D Dowle | 14.05.24 |
Mr P Dent | 31/8/24 |
Josie Sole | Safeguarding |
Tom Stevens & Sarah Habgood | Post 16 Bursary / SEND / Pupil Premium |
Jill Hawkins & Sarah Habgood | Equality & Diversity |
Tom Stevens & Naomi Takeda | Curriculum |
Josie Sole & Jenny Miller | CPD & Development |
David Strachan | Finance |
Robert Reed | Health & Safety / Risk Management |
David Strachan & Jill Hawkins | Leadership & Management |
Wilmington Grammar School for Boys is part of Endeavour MAT. For Trust level information please visit:
Endeavour MAT GovernancePlease see our Governance documentation below
Staff Organisation Chart
Mr C Guthrie | CEO - Endeavour MAT |
Mr S Harrington | Head Teacher |
Mr M Baker | Deputy Head Teacher |
Mr A Smith | Assistant Head Teacher - Behaviour and Welfare |
Miss E Price | Assistant Head Teacher - Teaching & Learning |
Mr A Watson | Assistant Head Teacher - WG6 |
Mrs N Takeda | Assistant Head Teacher - Safeguarding & Inclusion |
Mrs L Wisdom | Associate Assistant Head Teacher - School Culture & Ethos |
Mr K Powell | Head of Y10 & SLT Secondment (developing coaching) |
Mr P Anderson | School Business Manager |
Mrs L Wisdom | Head of Art & Design |
Miss M Gubbins | Art & Design |
Mr J Colledge | Head of Business studies/Economics |
Mrs R Sharma | Teacher of Business studies/Economics |
Miss M Spencer | 2 i/c Business studies/Economics & Head of Life Programme |
Mrs J Doughty | Head of Computer Science |
Ms K Tantony | Teacher of Computer Science |
Mrs S Cross | Head of Design and Technology |
Mr G Corrigan | Design and Technology |
Mr J Price | Design and Technology |
Mrs J Smith | Design and Technology |
Mr B Harding | Head of English |
Mrs C Bartholomew-Biggs | English |
Miss I Egemensoy | English |
Mrs L Harding | English |
Ms C Kenny | English |
Mrs E Kybird | English & Media Studies |
Ms A Russell | English |
Miss A Sweeney | English & Head of Year 7 & 8 |
Mrs N Takeda | English |
Mrs E Price | Head of History (Temp) |
Dr L Harris | History |
Miss K House | History |
Mr R Salt | History |
Mr P Riches | Head of Geography |
Mr P Clark | Geography |
Mr W Darwin | Geography & Head of Year 11 |
Mrs Ermina Ramic | Head of Mathematics |
Mrs J McGrath | Mathematics |
Miss L O'Dwyer | Mathematics 2i/c |
Mrs P Prabhu | Mathematics |
Mr A Pope | Mathematics |
Mrs S Spall | Mathematics |
Mr A Watson | Mathematics |
Mrs Y Mimoun | Head of MFL |
Mrs G Deicher | MFL |
Miss S Fabert | MFL |
Miss E Price | MFL |
Mrs V Garcia Zapatero | MFL |
Miss N Ryder | MFL |
Mrs M Sivel-Dimond | MFL |
Miss E Holledge | Head of Performing Arts |
Miss C Dillon | Music |
Mr M Lynch | Head of Physical Education |
Mr G Corrigan | Physical Education |
Mr A Hook | Physical Education & Head of Y8 |
Mr K Powell | Physical Education & Head of Y9 |
Mr S Sage | Physical Education & SENDCO |
Mrs M Lasoye | Head of Religious & Social Education |
Miss E Williamson | Religious & Social Education |
Miss S Tame | Head of Science |
Dr M Musami | Science & Head of Biology |
Miss A Kemp | Science & Deputy Head of WG6 |
Miss A Horsley | Science & Head of Chemistry |
Miss S Barry | Science |
Mr R Clark | Science |
Miss C Morrison | Science |
Mr A Olufade | Science |
Mr H Owen | Science |
Mrs E Edwards | Headteacher's PA |
Mrs M Taylor | Student Manager Year 7 |
Mrs C Jones | Student Manager Years 8 & 9 |
Miss N Mager | Student Manager Years 10 & 11 |
Mrs A Regan | Student Manager WG6 |
Mrs D Latini | Academic Mentor WG6 |
Mrs L Horton | Office Manager / Admissions Secretary |
Mrs R Barlow | Cover Secretary & Trips Co-ordinator |
Mrs K Alp | Attendance Secretary |
Ms L Hopkins | Receptionist (Mon, Wed, Fri) |
Mrs R Eather | Receptionist (Tues, Thur) |
Mrs A Sullivan | Business Admin Assistant |
Mrs T Walker | Careers Leader |
Mrs O Lecuona-Jimenez | Exams & Data Manager |
Miss A Perez-Velez | Student Data Assistant |
TBC | WG6 Secretary |
Miss R Netherwood | School Librarian |
Mrs M Hopkins | Reprographics Officer |
Mr D Humberstone | School IT Manager |
Mr V Patel | IT Technician |
Mrs J Edwards | Senior Science Technician |
Mr I Stimson | Science Technician |
Mr N Harris | Science Technician |
Ms M Southgate | Technology Technician |
Miss E Archer | Technology Technician |
Mrs H Bennett | Art Technician |
Mrs V Fletcher | Learning Support Assistant/SEN |
Mrs C Harrison | Learning Support Assistant/SEN |
Mr R Long | Learning Support Assistant/SEN |
Mrs O Ibitoye | Learning Support Assistant/SEN |
Mrs C Norman | Learning Support Assistant/SEN |
Mr T Hansford | HLTA / SEN |
Mrs J Miller | HLTA / PP |
Mr D Oso | Cover Supervisor |
Mrs K Cast | Cover Supervisor |
Mr P Bassett | Premises Manager |
Mr D Frickey | Premises Assistant |
Mr W Waylett | Premises Assistant |
Mrs T Sykes | Cleaning Supervisor |
Mrs T Huckle | Cleaning Assistant |
Miss L Huckle | Cleaning Assistant |
Ms C Govier | Cleaning Assistant |
Ms J Stowers | Cleaning Assistant |
Mr M Govier | Cleaning Assistant |
Mr N Gillespie | Cleaning Assistant |
Miss J Smith | Daytime Cleaning Assistant |
Mr S Venus | Cleaning Assistant |
Mr C Ansell | Cleaning Assistant |
Mr B Blackwell | Cleaning Assistant |
Mr A Holloway | Cleaning Assistant |