Parent, Carer and Student Portals

Edulink One
Edulink One is a parent/carer portal and communication app that keeps your child’s school information in one place, meaning you are more informed and involved in their learning journey.
The Edulink One App will enable you to see the following information:
Upcoming assessments
Your child’s school timetable
Links to the School Website and Information sites
Report Absence
Attendance records
Your contact information
Account information
To register for Edulink One use the button below along with the postcode DA2 7DA

Parent Pay
The School operates a cashless payments system (ParentPay) which is used for all trips and activities offered by the school.
ParentPay is a highly regarded system across education and enables many useful features (such as one account for parents regardless of the number of children in different schools using Parent Pay and the ability for us to refund parents through the system where this is necessary).
Already have a ParentPay Account?
If you already have a ParentPay account, either with our school or another Parent Pay school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page. You will need your activation username and password (issued by the school to parents of all new students).
New to Parent Pay?
You will have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password (issued by the school). You will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your username and password for future logins.
Have two or more children at a ParentPay School?
You will only need to activate one account to create you “main account” and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.
For any help about ParentPay please refer to the ParentPay website, Parents – FAQ’s and feel free to contact the School Finance Office if you need any further assistance.
To activate your account via the Account login area please visit Parent Pay:

School Cloud Parents Evening
With SchoolCloud Parents Evening, you no longer have to organise appointment sheets, process reply slips, or chase students. Parents and carers can simply book their appointment online.
School Cloud Parents Evening
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is where you will find your school email, your documents and your Teams.

Libresoft Librarian
Students can log onto the Libresoft website by clicking here which allows them to access the Library system remotely. This enables them to check the catalogue, reserve and renew books and leave reviews for the books they’ve read.
LibreSoft LibrarianEnriching Learning Fund
The Enriching Learning Fund (ELF). Parents/Carers are invited to make an annual voluntary contribution to The Enriching Learning Fund. All money collected will go towards enriching the lives of all our students through the provision of additional activities and resources which would not be available through current Government funding.
The money collected does not subsidise the core curriculum but will be used to enhance the learning environment. Subscription fees to useful clubs and societies can come from The ELF and access to developmental workshops and the subsidising of enrichment activities.
We believe that the success of these projects has a positive impact on each student, and I do hope you are able to support the school in this way. The best and easiest way for the voluntary contribution to be made is through the link below. The suggested donation is £25 per student and can be paid by clicking the link below.
The donation is eligible for Gift Aid. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation to us by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate by completing the form via the link below.
Thank you for helping to make the learning environment a vibrant and stimulating place for all our students.
Regular and punctual attendance is an essential prerequisite for effective learning. It is also an important habit that needs to be embedded to be successful in adult life. WGSB has a very good record of student attendance which is annually around 95%. The vast majority of parents are highly supportive of the school in ensuring that their children attend school regularly.
If a child is absent from school without appropriate reason, as well as being deprived of the educational opportunities which we have to offer them, they are at much greater risk of subsequently becoming socially excluded and disadvantaged. In supporting the clear wish of our community, WGSB will take every action possible to promote good attendance, monitor student attendance and punctuality and inform parents. The school will challenge but at the same time support families where school attendance is being identified as an issue.
If a student’s attendance rate was to fall as low as 80%, then they will be recorded as a persistent absentee, which in itself will trigger formal monitoring and intervention procedures.
If your child will be absent from school
We do of course recognise that students will occasionally not be able to attend school, most commonly for sickness. If you decide to keep your child at home please phone the school by 8.00am that morning and importantly every morning thereafter. (01322 223090 press option 1)
On their return to school, please provide a signed note authorising your child’s absence which they should hand in to their form tutor. If your child is absent for 5 days continuously, then please contact the Head of Year to inform them of the situation in more detail. The school will do all it can to support parents when necessary including providing resources for learning at home if required.
If you wish to make a request in advance for your child to be absent from school, this should be made in writing to the Head Teacher at the earliest opportunity. Each one will be assessed on individual merit and a reply will be posted as soon as possible stating whether the request has been authorised or not.
All of our key letters sent home can be downloaded from the list below.
Pastoral Structure
Every student has a form tutor and they will remain in their form groups, throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. Each form group is named after one of our houses – Brunel, Darwin, Newton, Stevenson, Telford and our new House, Hawking.
Throughout the year, there are competitions held between the houses. Inter house competitions bring together the students of the school in a fun and competitive way, providing them with an opportunity to show their varied talents.
The house prefects work with the Heads of House and Heads of Department to organise charity fund-raising events, sports events, and departmental inter-house competitions throughout the year.
Year Group | Head of Year | Student Manager |
7 | Miss Sweeney | Mrs Taylor |
8 | Miss Sweeney & Mr Corrigan | Mrs Jones |
9 | Mr Hook | Mrs Jones |
10 | Mr Powell | Ms Mager |
11 | Mr Darwin | Ms Mager |
WG6 | Miss Kemp & Mr Salt | Mrs Regan |
As a parent or caregiver for your son/daughter at Wilmington Grammar School for Boys you are automatically part of the PTA – Welcome!
We work in partnership with the school and help to provide activities and equipment which further develop your child’s experience and education. Over the school year the PTA runs different events and activities such as…
● Quiz Nights
● Summer Fair
● Christmas Fair
● Provided refreshments at several functions including: the Drama Productions, Winter and Summer Arts Festivals, Parents’ Evenings.
For secondary school students it is often hard to meet other parents/carers and we aim to offer information and advice about how to support your child’s education and wellbeing during their time at WGSB.
If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the PTA on [email protected] or by calling 01322 223090.

The WGSB PTA Lottery
You can join our PTA lottery on ParentPay. Tickets are £12 a year for one number and you can buy as many tickets as you want! Please select the number of tickets you want to purchase and add your contact details on ParentPay. Each number goes into 12 monthly draws between September and August. Prize money is £30.00 per month and £50.00 at the PTA Christmas Draw. Please note, cut-off date to join the lottery is 1st November 2022 to be included for the year.
Easy Fundraising
If you are happy to please consider signing up to Easy Fundraising to support the PTA as this is of no cost to you. If you shop on such places as John Lewis, Amazon, Marks and Spencer’s and you can help with a percentage of your purchase going towards the schools fundraising.
There are no hidden costs and its simple to use, you just need to visit your retailer via their app and make sure you select Wilmington Grammar School for Boys as the beneficiary.
It’s really simple, here’s how:
1. Click here for the Easyfundraising site and join for free (select Wilmington Grammar School for Boys – Dartford)
2. Every time you shop online go via easyfundraising, then select the site you want to shop with, e.g. Amazon, eBay, Currys, John Lewis, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Virgintrains, the list is endless…. and start shopping – it’s that simple!
3. When you purchase your goods, our school gets a small donation for no extra cost to you – the pennies really do add up!!
So each time you shop no matter how big or small the purchase, WGSB PTA will receive a donation, on everything from a weekly shop to purchasing your annual holiday and it doesn’t cost you or us a penny extra!
To view a short video explaining why easyfundraising is so valuable to us and a guide to signing up please click on the video:
Thank you for your support – it really is very much appreciated.
Meet us in person
Join us for our friendly PTA meetings, we also welcome any family member who is keen to support the school. The meetings help to find out more about the school, ask questions and have a say in how the money we raise is used.
We are always looking for new ideas for fundraising events, so please get in touch if we feel there is something we should try on [email protected].
Help at events
Could you spare on evening a year to help serve refreshments or bake for a school event. Your help would make a huge difference. You don’t need to commit to attend our meetings but if you would like to be an occasional helper, please contact us via email to [email protected].
Nearly New Uniform Shop – Open on the school premises
The PTA second hand uniform shop offers a range of ‘’pre-loved’ uniform at hugely reduced prices. All the sizes available are on the website, unfortunately the PTA do not have every item available in every size. Orders will be delivered to the reception area by a PTA volunteer. Please note that the uniform is washed and checked by the PTA parents, but it is in used condition.
You can also help by donating any outgrown uniform, we welcome all donations including PE items, please send it to the school office marked for the attention of the PTA.
If you wish to purchase any items please email [email protected].

School Meals

Pabulum are WGSB’s caterers, and they feel strongly about educating the younger generation on healthy eating by providing fresh and wholesome food, as it’s through a balanced diet and healthy food choices that students can maintain higher classroom concentration levels. 94% of our food is freshly prepared in the school’s kitchen with 75% of the food is British and locally sourced. At Wilmington Grammar School for Boys the Pabulum team is led by Paula Oaten, she and her team will provide fresh food through the provision of morning break and lunch service.

A cash-less payment system is operated reducing the problems of cash in the school and encouraging healthy eating. Payment can be made online via ParentPay.
Students’ credit balance is debited each time they purchase food items from the cafeteria at breakfast, break and lunch.
An average daily spend is estimated at £4.00 per day, although your son may spend more if they purchase food and drinks at breakfast and break too. The Main Meal and Dessert of the Day at lunchtime is £2.68
To keep track of your ParentPay balance and ensure your child has sufficient Dinner Money, the school strongly recommends you set up a Low Balance Alert. Note that this is FREE if the Alert via email option is used.
Please click here for more information
The daily spend limit per student is currently set at £7.50 as a default to allow for students to buy food at breakfast, break, and lunch.
If you need to contact the kitchen please do so at [email protected]
Our Menu follows a three week cycle and can be viewed by clicking below;
Free School Meals.
To find out if you are eligible for free school meals please click here to read a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ information bulletin.
Allergy Advice
If your son or daughter has any special dietary needs, please notify us of any food allergies, intolerances and other dietary-related medical conditions.
Travelling To and From School
Students may cycle to school, provided that the school has been notified, the required bicycle authorisation form is completed and approval given by the Student Manager. The wearing of cycle helmets is compulsory. Bicycles must be parked as directed. Property is left in the bike store at the student’s discretion and the school cannot take any responsibility for damage.
Travelling to School by Car
Parking on site for parents, carers and students is not permitted. In the interests of the safety of all our students, parents dropping or collecting children, or waiting in cars, should do so away from the school entrance gates during the following times due to the heavy movement of public transport on site;
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
8:15 – 9:00am and 3:15 – 4:00pm
8:15 – 9:00am and 2:15 – 3:00pm
School staff will be present before and after school to ensure students are arriving and leaving the site calmly and safely.
Bus and Coach Companies
For Further Information on the other bus and coach services which provide transport to and from school, please refer to the companies directly;
1st Bus Stop – 01474 326 777 – [email protected]
Go-Coach – 01732 469 800 – [email protected]
DJ Coaches – 01322 552 222 – [email protected]
Arriva – 0344 800 4411
Stage Coach (601) – 0207 055 9600
Travelling to School by Arriva
Arriva buses operate from different areas and stop at a number of locations within walking distance of the school. Some of the bus stops are listed below;
● Inside the School grounds, either at WGSB/WGSG/WA
● By Wilmington Costcutter Store
● At Leyton Cross roundabout
● In Parsons Lane or Oakfield Lane
● In Common Lane
All stops are no more than two or three minutes walking distance from the School. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the bus routes. For more information please visit their website by clicking here
Transport and the Schools Responsibility
Please note that the school is not responsible for any external travel company and you will need to liaise with them directly regarding any costs. All buses/coaches are private companies and as such the school can only communicate with them in the same manner as parents.
We are always happy to support parents/carers with travel issues, however, we have no say over routes or services. Parents and carers remain responsibile for the behaviour of their child on the vehicles.
Uniform and Equipment
School uniform is to be worn by all students whilst at school and during journeys to and from School and on other school occasions. Blazers must normally be worn at all times, unless a teacher gives permission for it to be removed, a blue v-neck jumper (available from the official school outfitter, see below) may be worn underneath. Hooded tops and cardigans are not allowed. Shirts should be tucked in trousers at all times and all the buttons should remain fastened, the appropriate house tie must be worn and should be knotted at the neck and the tie should rest on the belt-line. Staff will not allow students into their lessons until they are looking smart and will ensure they look well presented when they leave.
Items marked * should be purchased through the School’s official outfitter, SchoolShop. They are a completely online service that deliver directly to you, with the ability to order online 24/7 at your convenience.
Uniform List
Years 7-11
● Navy blue singled-breasted blazer (with the school badge on the breast pocket)*
● House tie*
● Plain white shirt
● Black leather shoes with a black hard sole
● Plain dark grey/charcoal trousers
● Navy blue V-necked pullover *
● Dark socks
● Outdoor coats: these should not be bulky as they are to be stored in the owner’s locker during the school day.
PE Kit
● Sports T-Shirt*
● Sports Shorts*
● ¼ Zip Training Top*
● Sports Trousers*
● Sports Long Socks*
● White socks
● Trainers
● Football/rugby boots
● Shinpads
● Mouth guard
Students’ hair must be in a style and of a length that reflects the professional and academic nature of the school. Haircuts and styles should be moderate and should not cover the student’s eyes. Hair should not be bleached, tinted or shaved in any way. Facial hair in the form of beards and moustaches is not permitted in Years 7 – 11 and may only be of a short and smart appearance in the Sixth Form. The wearing of jewellery is forbidden.
Protective Equipment
A laboratory coat must be provided for practical work in Science and Technology. This can be purchased either via the official school outfitters (see above) or from other retailers. An overall (possibly in the form of an old long-sleeved shirt) is needed for Art.
Students are asked to have their own writing equipment
● Pen (with spare cartridge, if applicable)
● Pencils (HB, 2B and 2H)
● 30cm ruler
● Eraser
● Set of coloured pencils
● Protractor (preferably not the type with cut-out sections)
● Pair of compasses
● Lined paper.
● Calculator
We recommend the Casio Scientific Calculator FX85GTCW. This item is available from the School at a cost of £10.75 (please note this may be subject to change). Please purchase these via the School’s ParentPay system. It is an advantage if all students have the same model.
Nearly New Uniform Shop – Now Open on the School Premises
The Second Hand Uniform shop is run by the PTA and we’re here to help. We sell all uniform and PE kit items for you to purchase. If you require any items please email the PTA.
You can also help by donating any outgrown uniform, please send it to the school office marked for the attention of the PTA.
If you wish to purchase any items contact the PTA via: [email protected]

Online Safety
During Computer Science lessons and indeed across our school community we embrace the the digital age via lessons and during our own free time. The Internet and related technologies, including mobile phones, blogs, podcasting and social networks are becoming increasingly important in all of our daily lives and have many positive benefits. At WGSB we seek to create responsible digital citizens.
Socially young adults often use the Internet for entertainment, interaction, and communication with ‘friends’ and these interacts are becoming part of their identity. Access to the Internet can take place anywhere and at any time so we need to make sure our students are able to use the Internet safely. Many online users are unaware of the risks for example by having many online friends (who could be strangers), uploading inappropriate images, viewing unsuitable content or even becoming addicted to the Internet.
Our programme of online safety guides your child through the benefits and dangers of having a virtual presence. Through assemblies, dedicated tutor programmes and bespoke PHSE sessions we actively prepare our students to be responsible digital citizens. It is imperative that we all have a role to play in keeping students safe online.
If you have any concerns we encourage you to contact your son/daughter’s Student Support Manager for advice and guidance or report it to CEOP (Child exploitation and Online protection Centre).

What Parents/Carers Can Do:
● The Internet of Things: 9 ways to make your connected home more secure
● Seasonal Netiquette: 5 new parenting rules for screen time and when tech families gather (Parent info)
● UK Safer Internet Center
● Digital Wellbeing
How to be Safe
The following links will give students advice and guidance on how to be safe online as well as how parents/carers can protect their children too.
The internet can be great fun. You can chat to your friends, play games and learn about new things. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say mean things which make you feel sad, or you may see something that you don’t like. If this happens, you must remember it’s not your fault. You can also tell us at CEOP what is happening so we can help you. If there is an adult you trust, like your mum, dad, carer or teacher, get them to help you fill out the form. Click here to get the form
CEOP INFORMATION. For advice, help and to report issues, please click the button to the right.