Wilmington Grammar School for Boys, Common Lane, Wilmington, Dartford, DA2 7DA
01322 223090

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Press Coverage

Wilmington Grammar School for Boys GCSE Press release – Head Teacher Mr Stuart Harrington
Following fantastic A Level success, Wilmington Grammar School for Boys can now also celebrate tremendous GCSE results. The performance of students in the first full-fat GCSE examinations since 2019 is remarkable and continues to reward student hard work and the school’s unrelenting focus on high standards of work and behaviour.

Mr Harrington, Head Teacher, comments “To achieve results that are almost exactly the same as last year (if not slightly better), against a backdrop of Nationwide grade depression is excellent. The students in Year 11 must celebrate these fine results in the knowledge that they have demonstrated exactly what can be achieved through hard work and cheerful cooperation. The students should be incredibly proud of their individual and collective achievements. We are very proud of them.”

A number of students achieved a full suite of grade 8s and 9s- an outstanding feat, achieved by very few students nationwide: Shane Scoble (who achieved 9s in every subject!), Inioluwa Lawal, Kaloyan Velikov and George Baldwin. There were also several students who achieved well beyond their expected grades. The individual achievements of every student in this year must not be underestimated.

Mr Harrington’s final thoughts, “The challenges faced by these students have been significant. The fact that the results are so good demonstrates what can be achieved by a motivated group of young people who are willing to work alongside their expert teachers to do their very best. Well done to all involved and I am looking forward to what they achieve at WG6, our vibrant Sixth Form.”

Pictured below, Shane Scoble who achieved a straight set of Grade 9 GCSEs, and will be returning to Wilmington Grammar’s sixth form WG6 Mum added “We are extremely proud of Shane, he worked incredibly hard for these results. Well done to all students.

Inioluwa Lawal, pictured below. Mrs Lawal is the Chair of our PTA and commented “it’s celebration time in the family. We are all so excited with Inioluwa’s results. My other son also got his 1st choice offer to study computer science in Birmingham – so we’re thanking God and painting the town red for the next few days! Many thanks once again. And we are also very grateful to the school and all staff of the school for all the support given to Inioluwa over the last 5 years.

Kaloyan Velokov (pictured below) commented “A HUGE thank you to all my teachers – I am infinitely grateful for all the support and encouragement I have received.

George Baldwin added “I’m absolutely over the moon! And I’m looking forward to starting my A Levels at WG6”.


Wilmington Grammar School for Boys – GCSE Results 2022: Press Release

Following tremendous A Level success, Wilmington Grammar School for Boys can now also celebrate excellent GCSE results. The performance of students in the first externally assessed examinations for two years continues the improving academic performance of the last 5 years.

Stuart Harrington, Headteacher, comments ‘The students in Year 11 must celebrate these fine results in the knowledge that they have demonstrated incredible resilience and academic agility over the last two years; moving between extended periods of home-learning and face-to-face education throughout their GCSE course. They must be incredibly proud of their individual and collective achievements. We are very proud of them.’

A number of students achieved a full suite of grade 8s and 9s- an outstanding feat, achieved by very few students nationwide: Nuvin Wickramasinghe (who achieved 9s in every subject!), Mason Burgess, Ben Goodwin, Ben Brown and Tristan Stanbridge.

Mr Harrington summarised with the following point ‘The challenges faced by these students must not be underestimated. The fact that the results are so good demonstrates what can be achieved by a motivated group of young people who are willing to work alongside their expert teachers to do their very best. Well done to all involved and I am looking forward to what they achieve at WG6, our vibrant Sixth Form’.

Nuvin Wickramasinghe (pictured below) commented “I am very delighted to have achieved these grades. Huge thank you to all my teachers during my time at WGSB for their endless help and support.”

Ben Goodwin (pictured below) commented “Many thanks to all the staff along the way who helped me to get the grades I did. I look forward to my next chapter in life. Thanks Wilmington!

Ben Brown (pictured below) commented “I’m really proud of my achievements at WGSB and excited for the new challenges ahead

Tristan Stanbridge pictured below added “I’m so grateful to all my teachers for helping me to do better than I ever hoped I could

Mason Burgess commented “I’d like to thank all the staff and their hard work for helping me achieve what I did

Congratulations to all of our amazing students on their A Level results to read more, please click here



WGSB and WGSG both won top awards in the Kent Teacher of the Year Awards



Term Dates

Current Academic Year

AUTUMN TERM 2024-2025

Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 25th October

Half Term
Monday 28th October – Wednesday 6th November (inc 3 INSET days)

Thursday 7th November – Friday 20th December

SPRING TERM 2024-2025

Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February

Half Term
Monday 17th February – Monday 24th February (includes 1 INSET day)

Tuesday 25th February – Friday 4th April

SUMMER TERM 2024-2025

Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 23rd May

Half Term
Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May (includes 1 Bank Holiday)

Monday 2nd June – Tuesday 22nd July



Monday 2nd September 2024

Monday 26th August 2024

Monday 4th November

Wednesday 25th December

Tuesday 5th November

Thursday 26th December

Wednesday 6th November

Wednesday 1st January 2025

Monday 24 February 2025

Friday 18th April

Monday 21th April

Monday 5th May

Monday 26th May