Blog week ending 24th November

Our Remembrance Day assembly brought together our whole school community to reflect and remember the bravery and sacrifice of all fallen soldiers during times of conflict. Many of our students and governors made personal contributions to the assembly; our Head Students recounted the experiences of local servicemen and women and shared moving poems or contributed fitting musical accompaniments. Students proudly wore their scout and service cadet uniforms and acted as attendants, distributing poppies and ensuring the smooth running of the assembly. At times of significant unrest and conflict around the world such as we are experiencing now, it is vital that our young people are motivated and empowered to bring about change and know that through discussion, empathy and listening to others, can make a positive impact on their and others’ lives in the future.
On Friday 10th November, 129 Year 9 students made a visit to ‘The Somme’ area of France, most famous for the Battle which took place in the second half of 1916. After an early meet (4.30am), we made our way to France firstly visiting Favreuil Military Cemetery, where a former resident of Wilmington was buried. We then visited the Musee Somme 1916. This museum has been established in a 230m long tunnel-gallery, 10m below ground. The museum recreates the life of soldiers defending the front during the German offensive of July 1916. After lunch we visited Thiepval Memorial to The Missing, Lochnagar Crater, Footballers’ Battalion Memorial before making our way home. Despite the terrible weather, the boys were excellently behaved and acted in a respectful way all day and were a credit to the school.
Our Christmas Fair was a huge success and our PTA and I would like to thank everyone that supported the event by bringing in items to be sold at the fair or as prizes for the Tombolas. We are incredibly grateful to those that attended, purchased raffle tickets, bought gifts and also for the large amount of help we received from parents and carers who helped make the day as successful as it was. We had support from the teachers and students on the day including a barbecue and we had over 34 stalls selling crafts and gifts. We raised over £3,600 from this and other initiatives which will heavily support the ambitious regeneration of the schools outside recreational space as well as other projects throughout the school. The Mayor (who had visited three Christmas Fairs on Saturday) said that our mulled wine was the best!!
Mrs Wisdom’s Year 7 Art students have been developing their observational drawing techniques. The topic provides an introduction to the the steps taken to create realistic observational drawing – drawing outlines accurately, adding details, shading and blending tones.
WG6 Electives take place each Wednesday afternoon giving students the opportunity to choose activities that complement their A Level studies or allow them to develop new interests or life skills. In the below session Mrs Bennett, our Art Technician led a session on Gelli printing. Mrs Bennett who recently joined us is passionate about design and crafting and is an accomplished artist and jewellery maker. Whilst her background is in education she has also spent a good deal of her life riding horses and motorbikes as well as being part of an all-girl motorbike stunt team!
WG6 Chemistry Students were applying their knowledge of calculating energy in fuels to the food that we eat. Students have to plan the practical before the lesson to help them prepare for their unit 3: science investigation examination.
Y12 WG6 Chemistry students had the opportunity to attend the A Level Chemistry Live conference in London where they heard lectures from award winning professors from leading universities on topics such as nerve agents, material chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, and nanotechnology.
Our WG6 Choir is practising ahead of our Christmas Concert and in-school celebrations .. sounding excellent!
The PE department would like to thank the school’s wonderful PTA for our new First XV and First XI kits for this season. Our WG6 students enjoy regular fixtures on Wednesday afternoons, The First XI compete in the North Kent Premier Division and our Rugby team play competitive friendly fixtures. Head of Department Mr Lynch added, “As a school and department we are very lucky to have such a proactive and supportive PTA. The work they do is so often unseen but always centred around improving school life. On behalf of the department, I would like to thank them once again for their continued support with these wonderful new kits.”
Our next community event … is a very festive one! Please do spread the word with family members – all are welcome!
Congratulations to Jack O of 7D who represented Kent in a recent Inter-Counties squash tournament. Whilst he lost the first match against Middlesex, 11-7, 8-11, 8-11 (only one of the Kent team won a match against them). Jack demonstrated great resilience and skill coming back to win his match against Hertfordshire, 11-6, 11-0. All the other team members won as well. I wish him, and his team good luck for the next round and look forward to further updates.
Forthcoming Dates;
WG6 Open Evening (at WGSG) – 29th November
Year 7 Christmas Service with WGSG – 6th December
Christmas Carol Concert (together with WGSG) – 7TH December at St Michael & All Angels Church – parents/carers welcome!
Year 7 Theatre Trip ‘Wicked’ – 13th December
Christmas Dinner & Jumper Day – 14th December
Community Christmas Afternoon Tea – 15th December
Last Day of Term – 20th December (12noon)
PTA Update. Christmas Trees. You can purchase your Nordman Fir Christmas tree via ParentPay for collection on Friday 8th December. Different sizes are available (see below), and we can offer these externally for people outside of the school. Please contact the PTA at [email protected] to place an external order (deadline for bookings and payment 30th November).
Christmas Wreath Making. An evening has been arranged on the 5th December where you can experiment with your artistic flare to make a door wreath or a table centrepiece for Christmas. This will also be a chance to meet other parents and enjoy mulled wine and mince pies. You can also invite your friends or family external to the school to help join in. Tickets on sale now on Parent Pay for £40.
Uniform Donations. We are always open to receiving donations of uniform which we can then sell at our next shop, if you have any preloved uniform including football boots or coats then please feel free to drop these into the reception at the school and mark them for the attention of the PTA.
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale. On the penultimate day for the end of term (19th December) the PTA will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts at breaktimes for £1.
Best wishes,
Stuart Harrington
Head Teacher