Wilmington Grammar School for Boys, Common Lane, Wilmington, Dartford, DA2 7DA
01322 223090

Blog week ending 8th December

Blog week ending 8th December

Bb 020921140434 We have had two opportunities to travel to our local parish church, St Michael and All Angels Church to share Christmas celebrations through a Year 7 Christmas Services on Wednesday and with our Christmas Concert on Thursday evening.  On both occasions we were joined by Wilmington Grammar School for Girls, and it was particularly lovely to be able to share the Christmas Concert with our families as well.  Both were joyous and uplifting events and included heartfelt and talented contributions from students across our two schools.  Thank you to all those who provided readings, musical recitals and choir pieces, all were utterly beautiful.  Special thanks also to Mrs Dent and Mr Oso our Heads of Music.

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Year 8 DT students have reached the culmination of their F1 project and spent a thrilling lesson testing and reviewing their cars on a model F1 racetrack.  Over the course of the project students have designed and built their F1 cars using CAD technology and block modelling precision to ensure a light and aerodynamic design that will excel on the racetrack.  The below photos (or rather the blurred shapes on them!) bear testament to the success of their planning – the cars were very, very fast – too fast to see with the naked eye!  The students were also judged during the race on their reaction speed to launch the cars.  The engagement in this DT curriculum project has been exceptional and has driven further interest and members for our F1 in Schools extra-Curricular programme (which is endorsed by F1 and supported by engineers).  Congratulations to Joseph D who achieved the fastest speed of the rotation (3 classes) of 0.926 seconds (48 mph!)

And an honourable mention to Geoff S who secured a time of 0.927 (just one thousandth of a second behind!)

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Our F1 in Schools Programme saw its members refining and presenting their Team Projects to our panel of experts that included three members of Wilmington Grammar Alumni who are now enjoying successful careers within the engineering sector but sparked their own interest and flair for design and technology via their involvement in the F1 Programme here at WGSB.

Students showcased strong presentation and communication skills and are clearly committed to the programme and ambitious to do well in the next round of the competition.  Each presentation introduced its team members and their individual areas of expertise and responsibility and how their work fitted into the whole team vision and achievements.  Roles included car designer, manufacturer, branding and marketing and sponsorship.

Thank you to alumni Morgan Fifield, Alex Lines-Headman and Sam Webb for your invaluable feed-back, support and guidance.

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WG6 Psychology A Level students attended the Psychology in Action enrichment day in Central London.  The day comprised of five session which examined the theories and applications of psychology in the modern world.

Each engaging session was designed to inspire students and help them realise their potential and the impact they can have on the world.  A special session on examination success gave students hints and tips to excel.

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Our A Level Geographers have been studying the global distribution of hazards.  Students travelled to the Natural History Museum to see the Volcanoes and Earthquakes Gallery to support their study of Tectonics Hazards module before travelling to the Royal Geographical Society for three lectures.


Year 12 A Level Chemistry students are currently studying trends in the periodic table. They undertook a series of experiments allowing them to identify products of Group 2 reactions and trends in reactivity.

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Y12 WG6 Forensics and Criminal Investigation students have been studying the relationship between surface area and volume by method of diffusion as part of their biology module.


PTA Update.  We have just carried out our wreath making workshop this week and a great time was had by all, we served mince pies, mulled wine and hot chocolate and to see such wonderful designs of wreaths was wonderful.

Christmas tree delivery today! (Friday 8th December) For all those who have purchased trees. Thank you … please don’t forget to come and collect your tree 4pm-6pm outside the school!

Uniform Donations. We are always open to receiving donations of uniform which we can then sell at our next shop, if you have any pre-loved uniform including football boots or coats then please feel free to drop these into the reception at the school and mark them for the attention of the PTA.

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Sale. On the penultimate day for the end of term (19th December) the PTA will be selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Samosas at breaktimes for £1. You can pre order a box of twelve doughnuts for £10 by emailing the [email protected].


Forthcoming Dates;

Year 7 Theatre Trip ‘Wicked’ – 13th December

Christmas Dinner & Jumper Day KS3 (Years 7-9) – 12th December

Christmas Dinner & Jumper Day KS4 & KS5 (Years 10-13) – 13th December

Community Christmas Afternoon Tea – 15th December

Last Day of Term – 20th December (12noon)

First Day of Term 3 – Thursday 4th January

Our Term Dates for next academic year are now available on our website, please click here and scroll to the bottom of the page

Best wishes,

Stuart Harrington

Head Teacher