Department Vision
Science helps us understand our relationships with the world around us and making new discoveries increases our sense of awe and wonder at the complexity of the world we inhabit. The aim of the science department at Wilmington Boys is to create knowledgeable and scientifically literate problem solvers. We aim to foster a spirit of inquiry and through a hands-on science curriculum that includes relevant and real-world science to nurture our students’ curiosity in the world around them.
Through our challenging and bespoke curriculum, we are preparing our students to become informed citizens who are capable of comprehending, analysing and making well-reasoned judgements on global issues. Skills that we believe will last a lifetime and make them more responsible members of society.
At key stage 3 we follow the national curriculum but the syllabus is bespoke to the school and the students are taught science by studying a range of real-life situations.
At GCSE we follow the OCR A syllabus and students can choose to study either combined or triple science.
Science – Year 7
Year 7 Science
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Term 1 | Introduction and safetyThe science of the OlympicsPreparation and diet | How to be a scientist and the safety rules needed in ScienceThe diet of an athlete and the energy in foodVariations within speciesThe human skeletonRespiration, breathing and the effects of atmospheric pressureThe effects of drugs and smokingHow does asthma affect athletes?The air we breathe |
Term 2 | The science of the OlympicsEquipment and venues | Mendeleev and the periodic tableMetals and non-metalsPolymers and ceramicsFuels and energy resourcesThermal energy transfers |
Term 3 | The science of the OlympicsGoing for gold | The effects of forces in sportMuscles, joints, movement and speed of an athleteEnergy drinks |
Term 4 | The Science of medicineCells and digestion | The use of microscopes in medicineAnimal cellsCells, tissues and organsDigestionAcids and alkalis and neutralisation |
Term 5 | The Science of medicineLight and soundA new life | The behaviour of light and how we see Sound waves, hearing and ultrasoundBirth, puberty, menstruation, reproduction and pregnancy |
Term 6 | The Science of zoosThe beginning of life | Plant and animal cellsPhotosynthesisReproduction in plantsChemical and physical changes |
Science – Year 8
Year 8 Science
term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Term 1 | The Science of zoosThe zoo keeper | Aerobic and anaerobic respirationFood webs and pyramidsVariation and extinctionBiodiversity and biomagnificationThe Earth’s atmosphere |
Term 2 | The science of adventures and explorersThe past | The history of the science behind human civilisations and inventionsEgyptians – mummification and the treasures of the pyramidsScott of the Antarctic – the science behind his journey and why it failedSurvival skills – the best fuel for a fire, the energy needed to survive, obtaining clean drinking water |
Term 3 | The science of adventures and explorersThe future | The structure of the EarthUnderstanding spaceWhy do we explore space?Mission to MarsUnderwater cities |
Term 4 | The Science of super heroesMaking movies | Super strengthStunt flightAnimatronicsLevitationPyrotechnicsLighting effectsThe stunt double |
Term 5 | The Science of super heroesSuper abilities | In this unit the students will study the science behind the abilities of:AquamanThorSpidermanGrootSupermanThe human torchMagneto |
Term 6 | The Science of super heroesSuper tech | In this unit the students will study the science behind the technology of:AntmanVibraniumIron manThe helicarrierBlank pantherBatmanSuper hero cars |
Biology – Year 9
Year 9 Biology
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Term 1 | B1.1 cell structures (GCSE) | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on cells and microscopy including differences in structures between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells as well as comparing light and Electron microscopes. |
Term 2 | B2.1 – What happens in cells (GCSE) | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the structure and discovery of DNA, how proteins are made inside the cell as well as the role enzymes as biological catalysts. |
Term 3 | B1.3 – Respiration (GCSE) | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts both aerobic and anaerobic respirations as well as the importance of the three main biological molecules, including the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, protein and lipids (fats). |
Term 4 | B1.3 – Photosynthesis(GCSE) | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on photosynthesis as an endothermic reaction, as well as looking at the factors which affect the rates of photosynthesis and the interaction of the various limiting factors. The unit also covers a number of required practicals investigations. |
Term 5 | B2.1 – supplying the cell. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how cells transport many substances across their membranes by diffusion, osmosisand active transport as well as looking at stem cells in plants and animals and how they differentiate into more specialised cells. |
Term 6 | B2.1 – supplying the cell. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how cells transport many substances across their membranes by diffusion, osmosisand active transport as well as looking at stem cells in plants and animals and how they differentiate into more specialised cells. |
Chemistry – Year 9
Year 9 Chemistry
Term | Topic | Learning Outcome |
Term 1 | GCSE C1.1 and C1.2 Particles | In this topic students learn about the different states of matter, developing the atomic model, subatomic particles, ions and isotopes. |
Term 2 | GCSE C2.1 Purity and Separating Mixtures | In this topic students learn about the difference between pure substances and mixtures. They become familiar with different separation techniques including filtration, evaporisation and crystalisation, simple distillation, fractional distillation and chromatography. They also look at the history of the periodic table and how to write chemical formulas. |
Term 3 | GCSE C2.1 Purity and Separating Mixtures | In this topic students learn about the difference between pure substances and mixtures. They become familiar with different separation techniques including filtration, evaporisation and crystalisation, simple distillation, fractional distillation and chromatography. They also look at the history of the periodic table and how to write chemical formulas. |
Term 4 | GCSE C4.1 Predicting Chemical Reactions | In this topic students explore the properties and reactions of elements from different groups of the periodic table. They include group 0 Noble gases, group 1 Alkali metals and group 7 Halogens. They also look at the reactivity of metals compared to each other in the reactivity series and how reactivity determines the outcome of a displacement reaction. |
Term 5 | GCSE C4.1 Predicting Chemical Reactions | In this topic students explore the properties and reactions of elements from different groups of the periodic table. They include group 0 Noble gases, group 1 Alkali metals and group 7 Halogens. They also look at the reactivity of metals compared to each other in the reactivity series and how reactivity determines the outcome of a displacement reaction. |
Term 6 | C6.3 Interpreting and Interacting with Earth’s Systems and Revision | In this topic students look at the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, both past and present. They learn about and discuss the different factors that change the atmosphere and the impact that has on ecosystems. They also look at potable water and how we can treat waste water before it is released into the environment. |
Physics – Year 9
Year 9 Physics
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Term 1 | Electricity | Current and potential differenceSeries and parallel circuitsResistanceControl circuits |
Term 2 | Electricity | Control circuitsPower and energy transfersCost of electricity |
Term 3 | Electricity | Methods to generate electricityHousehold wiring and plugsStatic electricity |
Term 4 | Magnetism | Magnetism and magnetic forcesCompasses and magnetic fields |
Term 5 | Magnetism | Magnetic effectsThe force on a current carrying wireElectric motors |
Term 6 | Magnetism | GeneratorsTransformersLoud speakers and microphones |
Biology – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 and 11 Triple Biology
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Year 10 Term 1 | B2.1 – supplying the cell. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how cells transport many substances across their membranes by diffusion, osmosis and active transport as well as looking at stem cells in plants and animals and how they differentiate into more specialised cells. |
Year 10 Term 2 | B2.2 – The challenge of size. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the structures and adaptations of the transport systems in plants and animals as well as being familiar with the human gaseous exchange system. |
Year 10 Term 3 | B3.1 – Coordination and control – the nervous system | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how the nervous system is arranged as well as the importance of the reflex action and reflex arc in the response to various stimuli. |
Year 10 Term 4 | B3.2 – Coordination and control – the endocrine system. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the principles of hormonal coordination and control by the human endocrine system, the role of hormones in the control of the menstrual cycle and the use of hormones in contraception and modern reproductive technologies to treat infertility. Plant hormones also covered |
Year 10 Term 5 | B3.3 – Maintaining internal environments | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on homeostatic mechanisms in the control of body temperature, blood sugar levels as well as looking at type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The gross structure of the Kidney and kidney tubule and effect of ADH. |
Year 10 Term 6 | B4.1 – Ecosystems | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on different levels of organisation in an ecosystem, abiotic and biotic factors, interdependence and competition and carbon cycle and the water cycle. The y also cover trophic levels, pyramids of biomass and efficiency of biomass transfers |
Year 11 Term 1 | B5.1 Inheritance.B5.2 Natural selection and evolution | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on single gene inheritance and the role of meiotic cell division. The also study genetic variation within a population of a species, classification systems, how evolution occurs through the natural selection and the evidence for evolution |
Year 11 Term 2 | B6.3 Monitoring and maintaining health – communicable diseases and defence. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the different types of communicable diseases, disease transmission in plants and animals and methods of defence against pathogens as well as disease prevention. |
Year 11 Term 3 | B6.3 Monitoring and maintaining health – non-communicable diseases and gene technology in medicine | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on some examples of non-communicable diseases and how lifestyle factors play a role. How stem cells, gene technology and human genome play a role in medicine. |
Year 11 Term 4 | 6.1 – Monitoring and maintaining the environment | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how living organisms interact with each other, the environment and with humans in many different ways and how their interactions can be managed. The also look at the benefits and challenges of maintaining local and global biodiversity. |
Year 11 Term 5 | B6.2 – Feeding the human race | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on selective breeding of food plants and domesticated animals and genetic engineering as a process which involves modifying the genome of an organism and using gene technology in modern agriculture. |
Chemistry – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 + 11 Separate Chemistry
Term | Topic | Learning Outcome |
Year 10 Term 1 | C4.1 Predicting Chemical reactions and C4.2 Identifying the products of chemical reactions | In this topic students explore the properties and reactions of elements from different groups of the periodic table. They include group 0 Noble gases, Transition metals, group 1 Alkali metals and group 7 Halogens. They also look at the reactivity of metals compared to each other in the reactivity series and how reactivity determines the outcome of a displacement reaction. In addition, students carry out a series of tests on anions and cations to determine the identity of compounds. |
Year 10 Term 2 | C2.2 Bonding | In this topic students look at the structure and properties of the three main types of chemical bonding: Ionic, Covalent and metallic. |
Year 10 Term 3 | C2.3 Properties of materials and C3.1 Introducing Chemical Reactions | Students learn about the properties and uses of giant covalent structures, including the allotropes of carbon. They look at the definition of nanoparticles and the impact on human health.In addition, students are introduced to the term mole and its relationship to number of particles. They then use the mole to solve numerous different calculations including finding unknown masses and limiting reactants. |
Year 10 Term 4 | C3.2 Energetics and C3.3 Types of chemical reactions | In this topic students learn about the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. They look at what is happening in terms of bonds as well as energy transfer. In addition to knowing how to represent the reactions as energy diagrams students also need to be able to calculate the energy of a reaction given the energy of the bonds. In the second section, students look at what is an acid and the reactions it can have with various bases and metals. This includes practical skills like forming salts from insoluble bases. It also involves being able to explain the difference between strong and weak acids. They also look at oxidation and reduction reactions, being able to write them as half equations. |
Year 10 Term 5 | C3.3 Types of Chemical reactions and C3.4 Electrolysis | Students continue to look at acid and base reactions. This includes practical skills like forming salts from insoluble bases. It also involves being able to explain the difference between strong and weak acids. They also look at oxidation and reduction reactions, being able to write them as half equations. In addition, students look at the process of electrolysis and apply it to both molten and aqueous compounds. They are able to explain what happens at each electrode in terms of transfer of electrons. |
Year 10 Term 6 | C5.1 Monitoring Chemical Reactions | In this topic, students combine past knowledge of mole calculations and acid reactions to explain and carry out the process of titration. They also look at atom economy and percent yield of varying chemical reactions. |
Year 11 Term 1 | C5.2 Controlling Reactions and C5.3 Equilibria | Students look at how the rate of a reaction is influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure and concentration. They need to be able to use collision theory to describe why rate changes as well the impact of adding a catalyst. This section also includes practical skills where students use various methods to obtain rate data, then plot that data on a graph and interpret results. In addition, they are introduced to reversable reactions and equilibrium. They use Le Chatelier’s principle to explain how the position of equilibrium will shift when changes such as temperature, pressure and concentration are applied. |
Year 11 Term 2 | C6.1 Improving Process and Products and C6.2 Organic Chemistry | In this topic Students apply their knowledge of reduction reactions and electrolysis to explain how different metals are extracted from their ores. They also look at other methods of metal extraction including bioleaching and phytoextraction. In addition, they take their knowledge of equilibrium and use it to explain why certain conditions are used in the industrial Haber process. Usefulness of materials, recycling, corrosion and alloys are also looked at. |
Year 11 Term 3 | C6.2 Organic Chemistry | Students are introduced to the concept of organic chemistry. This involves looking at the structure, properties and reactions of Alkanes, Alkenes, Alcohols and carboxylic acids. Students also are able explain how addition and condensation polymers are formed. They also look at how Alkanes can be extracted from crude oil through fractional distillation and how excess hydrocarbons can undergo cracking to meet demand. Another topic that is covered is how chemical cells and batteries work. This section also looks at fuel cells and their use as a replacement for fossil fuels. |
Year 11 Term 4 | C6.3 Interpreting and Interacting with Earth’s Systems and Revision | In this topic students look at the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, both past and present. They learn about and discuss the different factors that change the atmosphere and the impact that has on ecosystems. They also look at potable water and how we can treat waste water before it is released into the environment. Revision sessions begin covering identified areas of improvement. |
Year 11 Term 5 | Revision | Revision sessions covering identified areas of improvement. |
Physics – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 and 11 Triple Physics
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Year 10 Term 1 | Magnetism | Magnetism and magnetic forcesCompasses and magnetic fieldsMagnetic effectsThe force on a current carrying wireElectric motorsGeneratorsLoudspeakers and microphones |
Year 10 Term 2 | Matter | The history of our understanding of the structure of the atomDensityChanges of stateInternal energy Specific heat capacitySpecific latent heatParticle motion in gasesGas pressuresPressure in a fluidAtmospheric pressure |
Year 10 Term 3 | Radioactivity | Atomic structureRadioactive decayNuclear equationsRadioactive half-lifeBackground radiation |
Year 10 Term 4 | Radioactivity | Hazards and uses of radiationIrradiation and contaminationUses of radiation in medicineFissionFusion |
Year 10 Term 5 | Waves | Describing wavesTransverse and longitudinal wavesMeasuring wave speedsThe wave equationSound wavesUltrasound |
Year 10 Term 6 | Waves | The behaviour of light wavesElectromagnetic wavesLensesImages and magnificationColour |
Year 11 Term 1 | Forces | Scalars and vectorsSpeedAccelerationCalculations of motionMotion-time graphsNewton’s lawsWeight and massMomentumWork done and energy transfer |
Year 11 Term 2 | Forces | Understanding powerKeeping safe on the roadForces and energy in springsPotential energyMomentsLevers and gears |
Year 11 Term 3 | Energy | Kinetic energyWork done and energy transferSpecific heat capacityEnergy and powerDissipation of energyEnergy efficiency |
Year 11 Term 4 | The Earth and Space | Red shiftThe Sun and other starsThe Solar SystemTemperature of the EarthSeismic waves |
Year 11 Term 5 | Revision |
Combined Biology – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 and 11 Combined Biology
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Year 10 Term 1 | B2.1 – supplying the cell. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how cells transport many substances across their membranes by diffusion, osmosis and active transport as well as looking at stem cells in plants and animals and how they differentiate into more specialised cells. |
Year 10 Term 2 | B2.2 – The challenge of size. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the structures and adaptations of the transport systems in plants and animals as well as being familiar with the human gaseous exchange system. |
Year 10 Term 3 | B3.1 – Coordination and control – the nervous system | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how the nervous system is arranged as well as the importance of the reflex action and reflex arc in the response to various stimuli. |
Year 10 Term 4 | B3.2 – Coordination and control – the endocrine system. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the principles of hormonal coordination and control by the human endocrine system, the role of hormones in the control of the menstrual cycle and the use of hormones in contraception and modern reproductive technologies to treat infertility. |
Year 10 Term 5 | B3.3 – Maintaining internal environments | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on homeostatic mechanisms in the control blood sugar levels as well as looking at type 1 and type 2 diabetes. |
Year 10 Term 6 | B4.1 – Ecosystems | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on different levels of organisation in an ecosystem, abiotic and biotic factors, interdependence and competition and carbon cycle and the water cycle |
Year 11 Term 1 | B5.1 Inheritance.B5.2 Natural selection and evolution | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on single gene inheritance and the role of meiotic cell division. The also study genetic variation within a population of a species, classification systems, how evolution occurs through the natural selection and the evidence for evolution |
Year 11 Term 2 | B6.3 Monitoring and maintaining health – communicable diseases and defence. | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on the different types of communicable diseases, disease transmission in plants and animals and methods of defence against pathogens as well as disease prevention. |
Year 11 Term 3 | B6.3 Monitoring and maintaining health – non-communicable diseases and gene technology in medicine | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on some examples of non-communicable diseases and how lifestyle factors play a role. How stem cells, gene technology and human genome play a role in medicine. |
Year 11 Term 4 | 6.1 – Monitoring and maintaining the environment | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on how living organisms interact with each other, the environment and with humans in many different ways and how their interactions can be managed. The also look at the benefits and challenges of maintaining local and global biodiversity. |
Year 11 Term 5 | B6.2 – Feeding the human race | By the end of this unit students should have learned and understood the concepts on selective breeding of food plants and domesticated animals and genetic engineering as a process which involves modifying the genome of an organism and using gene technology in modern agriculture. |
Combined Chemistry – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 +11 Combined Chemistry
Term | Topic | Learning Outcome |
Year 10Term 1 | C4.1 Predicting Chemical Reactions | In this topic students explore the properties and reactions of elements from different groups of the periodic table. They include group 0 Noble gases, group 1 Alkali metals and group 7 Halogens. They also look at the reactivity of metals compared to each other in the reactivity series and how reactivity determines the outcome of a displacement reaction. |
Year 10Term 2 | C2.2 Bonding | In this topic students look at the structure and properties of the three main types of chemical bonding: Ionic, Covalent and metallic. |
Year 10Term 3 | C2.2 Bonding and C2.3 Properties of materials | In this topic students continue to look at the structure and properties of the three main types of chemical bonding: Ionic, Covalent and metallic. They also learn about the properties and uses of giant covalent structures, including the allotropes of carbon. |
Year 10Term 4 | C3.1 Introducing chemical reactions | Students are introduced to the term mole and its relationship to number of particles. They then use the mole to solve numerous different calculations including finding unknown masses and limiting reactants. |
Year 10Term 5 | C3.2 Energetics and C3.3 Types of Chemical reactions | In this topic students learn about the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions. They look at what is happening in terms of bonds as well as energy transfer. In addition to knowing how to represent the reactions as energy diagrams students also need to be able to calculate the energy of a reaction given the energy of the bonds. In the second section, students look at what is an acid and the reactions it can have with various bases and metals. |
Year 10Term 6 | C3.3 Types of chemical reactions | Students continue to look at what is an acid and the reactions it can have with various bases and metals. This includes practical skills like forming salts from insoluble bases. It also involves being able to explain the difference between strong and weak acids. They also look at oxidation and reduction reactions, being able to write them as half equations. |
Year 11Term 1 | C3.4 Electrolysis and C5.1 Controlling reactions | In this topic students look at the process of electrolysis and apply it to both molten and aqueous compounds. They are able to explain what happens at each electrode in terms of transfer of electrons. In addition, students look at how the rate of a reaction is influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure and concentration. They need to be able to use collision theory to describe why rate changes as well the impact of adding a catalyst. This section also includes practical skills where students use various methods to obtain rate data, then plot that data on a graph and interpret results. |
Year 11Term 2 | C5.1 Controlling reactions and C 5.2 Equilibria | Students continue to look at how the rate of a reaction is influenced by factors such as temperature, pressure and concentration. They need to be able to use collision theory to describe why rate changes as well the impact of adding a catalyst. This section also includes practical skills where students use various methods to obtain rate data, then plot that data on a graph and interpret results. In addition, they are introduced to reversable reactions and equilibrium. They use Le Chatelier’s principle to explain how the position of equilibrium will shift when changes such as temperature, pressure and concentration are applied. |
Year 11Term 3 | C6.1 Improving processes and products | In this topic Students apply their knowledge of reduction reactions and electrolysis to explain how different metals are extracted from their ores. They also look at other methods of metal extraction including bioleaching and phytoextraction. In addition, they also cover how Alkanes can be extracted from crude oil through fractional distillation and how excess hydrocarbons can undergo cracking to meet demand. |
Year 11Term 4 | C6.2 Interpreting and Interacting with Earth’s systems and Revision | In this topic students look at the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, both past and present. They learn about and discuss the different factors that change the atmosphere and the impact that has on ecosystems. They also look at potable water and how we can treat waste water before it is released into the environment. Revision sessions begin covering identified areas of improvement. |
Year 11Term 5 | Revision | Revision sessions covering identified areas of improvement. |
Combined Physics – Years 10 & 11
Year 10 and 11 Combined Physics
Term | Topic | Learning outcome |
Year 10 Term 1 | Magnetism | Magnetism and magnetic forcesCompasses and magnetic fieldsMagnetic effectsThe force on a current carrying wireElectric motors |
Year 10 Term 2 | Matter | The history of our understanding of the structure of the atomDensityChanges of stateInternal energy Specific heat capacitySpecific latent heatParticle motion in gases |
Year 10 Term 3 | Radioactivity | Atomic structureRadioactive decayNuclear equations |
Year 10 Term 4 | Radioactivity | Radioactive half-lifeBackground radiationHazards and uses of radiationIrradiation and contamination |
Year 10 Term 5 | Waves | Describing wavesTransverse and longitudinal wavesMeasuring wave speedsThe wave equation |
Year 10 Term 6 | Waves | The behaviour of light wavesElectromagnetic waves |
Year 11 Term 1 | Forces | Scalars and vectorsSpeedAccelerationCalculations of motionMotion-time graphsNewton’s lawsWeight and mass |
Year 11 Term 2 | Forces | MomentumWork done and energy transferUnderstanding powerKeeping safe on the roadForces and energy in springsPotential energy |
Year 11 Term 3 | Energy | Kinetic energyWork done and energy transferSpecific heat capacityEnergy and powerDissipation of energyEnergy efficiency |
Year 11 Term 4 | Revision | |
Year 11 Term 5 | Revision |